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& Education

Exchange of experiences between academics, researchers and legal actors, for a contemporary debate on justice and inclusive public administration


The encounters

From the University of Ottawa, professors, doctoral students and other students interested in law and the Americas, join various inter-American institutions related to the person, with the aim to respond to the progress of conferences and training seminars and to pool their research to share it with the legal actors of our hemisphere.


The central point of these meetings is to see the law as a tool of democracy for all, to support interventions with data and research open to  new angles that can contribute to a multidisciplinary dialogue.

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"First meeting of Justice Americas.''
July 2024 / University of Ottawa Canada

First meeting of the members of the Justice and Democracy in the Americas platform. This event was organized in collaboration with the Faculty of Law of the University of Ottawa. Experts, researchers and legal professionals worked together to strengthen the Justice Americas platform and define its future initiatives.

Seminarios / Capacitaciones

" El futuro de la Democracia y DDHH en las Américas. ''
Juli0 2024 / U. Ottawa Canadá

El 26 de julio, el profesor Cavallaro cautivó a los participantes con una discusión profunda sobre la evolución y el futuro de la democracia y los derechos humanos en las Américas.

"Apertura a las Amércias. ''
Juli0 2024 / U. Ottawa Canadá

El 25 de julio, El profesor Duhaime presentó su nuevo libro, Apertura a las Américas, que resume tres años de investigación sobre el acceso a la justicia en todo el continente.

"Indigenous rights standards in Canada. Sources and scopes.  ''
November 2023

Meeting on Indigenous Law from Canada and Chile. The Honourable Justice Richard Boivin of the Federal Court of Appeal of Canada reviewed the evolution of Aboriginal rights over the past 50 years.  Mapuche lawyer Elsy Curihuinca, accompanied by Kathering Becerra of the Universidad Católica del Norte, a Chilean expert in Indigenous law, highlighted the richness of Canadian experience in this area, while noting the differences in the Chilean context. In this event, Mapuche anthropologist Carlos Contreras Painemal presented his ideas on the treaties celebrated between the Mapuche and Spain and the State of Chile after independence. This discussion allowed the Platform to  gather knowledge on new developments in Chilean law and social sciences on the relationship between indigenous peoples and the State in the context of the new Chilean Constitution that will be voted on December 17, 2023. 

Seminario Internacional 
"Acceso a la Justicia
Medio Ambiente''

Noviembre 2023 / Santiago de Chile

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This seminar was dedicated to environmental justice as an element of democracy. In the morning, he brought together legal theorists who came to present their theoretical approaches. In the afternoon, they are NGOs specialising in environmental litigation and research. These came from Canada, Chile, Colombia and Mexico. The event was organized by the Plataforme with partners from the Central University of Chile and the University of Chile.

Seminar / Training
"Proposing a new dialogue in Justice
the Americas''

May 2023

This first seminar focused on the importance of establishing a horizontal legal dialogue in our continent to find new ways to support a right that goes beyond standards but is also accessible to everyone. The hemisphere is a field where common challenges were found, offering innovative approaches that are often ignored by the actors. This seminar has precisely made it possible to discover some lines of research and recall the importance of a horizontal and multidisciplinary legal dialogue throughout the continent.
"Access to Justice and Legitimacy
in the judicial spaces"

December 2021
Experts from North and South discussed their research and experiences focusing on different Canadian and Latin American contexts. It explored how justice responded to various interests outside the legal system and that aggravated inequalities. The objective of this seminar was to identify these phenomena and seek means and strategies to deal with them.
Conference / Training
"A cross-sectional view of the principle of legitimacy in the framework of Latin American legal reforms"
April 2021
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Academics and members of the judiciary from Mexico, Chile and Canada discuss the challenges of implementing international human rights standards in our justice systems. Based on the experiences and decisions of the courts, the discussion addresses the question of the barriers or limitations that affect our judicial systems, particularly with respect to vulnerable populations, due to social, cultural, racial, social, gender stereotypes. or other stereotypes.

Education / Training
Law training on the
interamerican challenges

2011 - 2022


15 Generations
of University students trained throughout Latin America and Canada

The annual organization of summer courses (boreal) between the University of Ottawa and its Colombian, Mexican, Chilean and Peruvian counterparts stands out.

This class addresses issues that we have in common such as: ​the growing immigration, the internationalization of crime, the space of the first nations in law, the environment, the discrimination, human rights violations of all kinds that are committed across borders, etc. Over time, new notions of law appear that transcend borders; about victims, reparation, or various vulnerable groups. To name a few challenges; so many new challenges require to be shared and go beyond the simple dictate of the law, but rather the exchange of knowledge.

Meetings &  Collaborations

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